Importance of Epidemiology Study

June 9, 2020

Bob Litt

Importance of Epidemiology Study

What is the importance of public health and its study?   Public Health – the word self-defines. The study of public health is of high importance because of the much welfare it did to the world. Public health initiatives and the people connected to the study expressed the need for safety laws, ills of tobacco, … Read more

Life of an Online Student

June 9, 2020

Bob Litt

Life of an Online Student

Covid-19, Corona Virus, Pandemic – many words for one disaster that got the world on its knees. Food, hospitality, entertainment, education, and every industry that was functioning well started searching for ways to survive and get back on feet because of the pandemic. The impact on all the industries is the same, yet the one … Read more

Rise of Online Education

June 8, 2020

Sonu Gupta

Rise of Online Education

Online education is not a new concept; it is in the form of online courses for a long time. According to a, almost 6.3 million US students are taking online classes in one or the other format. Even then, recently, online education has seen a new rise in demand, the reason being the sudden … Read more

Student Loan Forgiveness Programs

June 8, 2020

Bob Litt

Student Loan Forgiveness Programs

Higher education can prove expensive in the U.S. Several students resort to taking student loans. Loan forgiveness programs.